Sep 10, 2023, 1:02 PM

Mass litigation, mass civil disobedience, and mass defiance are what it is going to take. If you're really tired of the government overstepping its bounds then this is what it is going to take.

You know there are a good many in government who want all of us to fight each other. It's so they can gain control. Grant each side their own wish so they can use it against them in the future like some menacing Jinn. They send their agents of hate and division out amongst us to make us turn on one another. Influencers.

It's not going to be just him or her out there you don't know from Adam that's going to stand up to the government. It's got to be us. All of us. Wish y'all would stop fighting each other. Humanity, the good heaven-like humanity, is in peril at the moment and we need each and every one of you.

Wish y'all would see that. Disagree all you want, but we have to agree on one thing. And we have to start doing it now.